Add some 000000s to your bank account >>>

In the online space, we LOVE covering that coveted 6-figure mark in glitter. Hit $100K and BOOM you’re good. You’re in the group of female entrepreneurs that made it. 

Don’t get me wrong, that massive milestone is HUGE and should be celebrated. But when you’re almost there, touching it, or a little over…you want more. 

And you should CELEBRATE that desire to do more, beauty! Because if you’re hovering around that 6-figure mark you have ALL of the raw materials you need to create multiple 6-figures with ease. 

If that’s what you want. I’m SO ready to get you there.

I get it. This online space has A LOT of awesome people in it. Standing out can feel impossible some days. But the difference between truly crushing it and feeling stagnant is how much you reallyyy lean into yourself and take risks. 

And if you’re hesitating, you might feel like you’re:

★ Unclear on who you’re serving and what they *actually* want to buy from you
★ Staying in the background and struggling to sparkle online + be memorable
★ Lacking a community of badass women who want to see you THRIVE
★ Attracting inconsistent or unaligned clients
★ Not able to believe in your POTENT AF superpowers (and that’s a damn shame)
★ Making little moves and shying away from those massive shifts that you truly want.

When you join women who are hungry for more – Money. Fame. Impact. Luxury. Clarity. – you’re transported to a place where ‘no’s’ don’t exist and striving is celebrating. 

By entering the mastermind for 6 months, you will:
★ Expand BEYOND your goals alongside other powerful women
★ Take rapid-fire, aligned action and achieve results that feel like magic
★ Receive empathetic, soul-hugging support from women who get it
★ Stay accountable to your scary goals so fear can’t take hold
★ Discover your secret brand superpowers and scale like crazy
★ Watch 6-figures fly by you as you welcome in MULTIPLE 6-figure years  

★ 6 months of this ultra-connected container 
★ 3x potent AF calls per month to connect with the group + get MASSIVE clarity
★ An exclusive retreat to connect with the other women in luxury
★ 24/7 Voxer access, receiving both empathy and a bestie who loves a lil’ tough love
★ Access to ALL of my programs – I don’t hold back, beauty!
★ BONUS: Monday Mindset Calls to give you a strong week, every week! 

★ NEW! - Monthly Launch Planning Calls to help you convert clients with ease + a Virtual Retreat with epic guest speakers, real-time challenges and the coaching you need to quantum leap into the next, better version of life and biz - it's all waiting for you!

The 6-Figure+ Mastermind propels your growth forward with unparalleled support and radical clarity. Here’s how we make sure rapid growth always happens.

Connection that warms your soul and clarity that lights your biggest dreams on FIRE. We talk 3x per month so you can feel that ooey-gooey support and ALWAYS stay accountable to your inevitable results.

Babe, I don’t shy away from the finer things in life. Wrap yourself in luxury alongside the other women in the mastermind. It takes connection to a whole new level and shines a bright, freakin’ light on how you’re worth ALL of this!

When I say I’m ALL IN on your success, I mean it. Keep me updated on all the happenings in your life and business, and I’m there to provide rapid clarity, a lil’ tough love and so much space for whatever you’re navigating.

If you’re in the mastermind, I’m giving you everything I have to offer. When you commit, I hold nothing back. It’s all you babe, and I want you to have every morsel that will contribute to your success.

Charge into each week with the mindset you need to take rapid-fire, aligned action. We’re going to clear the sh*t that’s holding you back from your goals so EVERY week turns into a results catalyst.

Curious. Driven. Engaged. These are just a few of the words I would use to describe the incredible women in the mastermind.

I KNOW this container is perfect for you if: 

★ You’re close, but struggling to hit 6-figures and are ready to BLOW PAST $100K into multiple 6-figures – and you’re sooo driven, babe.
★ You just hit that $100K mark (go you!) and know you’re capable of making tons of cash and an impact in your space
★ You’re over $100K years - but not by much - so now it’s all about exponentially growing and hitting MULTIPLE 6-figs. You’re SO close.

My career journey started in corporate when I worked as an analyst at a bank. After working 24/7, I got totally burned out *surprise, surprise* and needed a MASSIVE pivot. When a coach in a FB group reached out to me, telling me she could help me, I went all in on her. What I discovered was I’m meant to be her! 

So the universe looked out for me, fired me, and *BOOM* in two years I was making multiple 6 figures helping women manifest the sh*t out of whatever they want. Because here’s the thing – when you fully go all in on manifesting your desires and discovering who you are – that dreamy AF life falls into your hands. 

I’m on this planet to spark that transformation in you, and damn does it light me up.

By entering the mastermind, you will get:

★ 6 months of this ultra-connected container 
★ 3x potent AF calls per month to connect with the group + get MASSIVE clarity
★ An exclusive retreat to connect with the other women in luxury
★ 24/7 Voxer access, receiving both empathy and a bestie who loves a lil’ tough love
★ Access to ALL of my programs – I don’t hold back, beauty!
★ BONUS: Monday Mindset Calls to give you a strong week, every week!

★ NEW! - Monthly Launch Planning Calls to help you convert clients with ease + a Virtual Retreat with epic guest speakers, real-time challenges and the coaching you need to quantum leap into the next, better version of life and biz - it's all waiting for you!